Tokens - Response
The endpoint responds with a JSON object detailing information about the token.
Response Parameters
Field | Description | Data Type |
tokenAddress | Contract address of the token | String |
tokenName | Token name as per it's contract | String |
tokenSymbol | Token's Ticker | String |
tokenCreationDate | Token's creation date in ISO format | String |
totalSupply | Total Supply of Token | String |
ownerAddress | Token's owner address | String |
ownerBalance | Token balance of owner | String |
creatorAddress | Token creator address | String |
creatorBalance | Token balance of creator | String |
tokenCategories | Returns relevant categories of the token
| Array |
marketData | Returns
| Object |
socialInformation | Returns
| Object |
externalLinks | Returns
| Object |
Field | Description | Data Type |
totalScore | Returns
| Object |
codeScore | Returns
| Object |
marketScore | Returns
| Object |
Field | Description | Data Type |
holdersCount | Returns
| Object |
keyHolders | Returns information about Top3 holders of the token. It shows
Note: "isContract", "isLocked" will return "" if status is unknown | Array |
percentDistributed | Returns information about Token Distribution amongst holders of the token
| Object |
Field | Description | Data Type |
aggregatedInformation | Explains Aggregated Liquidity Information of token
| Object |
pairByPairInformation | Returns details about all tracked trading pairs of the token including the Dex, taxes, key LP holders, and token distribution, etc | Array |
Field | Description | Data Type |
ownerChangeBalance | Returns information about if the token's owner address has the ability to alter the balances of token holders.
| Object |
isMintable | Returns Information on whether the token's total supply is not fixed and the owner is permitted to mint more tokens.
| Object |
selfDestruct | Returns Information on whether the token has a self-destruct functionality which the owner can call.
| Object |
transferPausable | Returns Information on whether the token's transfer can be paused by the owner.
eg: | Object |
slippageModifiable | Returns information on whether the token has modifiable tax or not. This refers to the owner having the ability to change the buy or sell tax of the token.
eg: | Object |
personalSlippageModifiable | Returns information on whether the owner has the ability to modify buy and sell tax for select wallet addresses.
eg: | Object |
Field | Description | Data Type |
externalCall | Returns information on if the token's contract is making calls to external contracts. This could lead to risks if we don't have information about the contracts this token is calling.
| Object |
isProxy | Returns information on if the token's contract is a proxy contract. Implementation of proxy contracts allows for upgradability but also could be misused.
| Object |
tradingCooldown | Returns information on if the token's contract can affect how often users can trade the token.
| Object |
cannotBuy | Returns information on if the token is available in a DEX to buy
| Object |
cannotSellAll | Returns information on if the token has any limit of number of tokens that can be sold in one trade.
eg: | Object |
isAntiWhale | Returns information on if the token has any anti-whale measures in it.
| Object |
Field | Description | Data Type |
honeypotPairs | Returns information about potential honeypot traps identified in specific Dex pairs.
| Array |
honeypotFound | Returns information about the results of honeypot simulations in specific pools.
| Object |
isTokenHoneypot | It describes whether a token is honeypot or not. Note: This can be 0 - false, 1 - true, 2 - unknown | Number |
Last updated